#OnlineProtest is the eponymous artwork and official image of #OnlineProtest, a historic first-of-its-kind nonviolent protest entirely organized online. Drue Kataoka co-organized and conceptualized #OnlineProtest with Dr. Bernice King, CEO of the King Center in Atlanta in June of 2020.
“The stars and stripes ripple with the final words of those killed by police brutality, and the urgent need for justice.”
The art was created by Drue Kataoka, artist-technologist-activist & CEO of Drue Kataoka Studios LLC, www.drue.net. A graduate of Stanford University. A recipient of Stanford University’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Research & Education Institute Award for her extensive community service, Drue is passionate about art as a social force. Named a Young Global Leader, Drue’s art has been featured on CNN, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, CBS, ABC, and others.

The #OnlineProtest was featured on “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon in an exclusive interview with Dr. Bernice A. King. You can watch it here.

We at #OnlineProtest were honored to have Ellen DeGeneres join us by appearing on Day 6 of our 7 Day #OnlineProtest. Ellen gave a moving and heartfelt speech and suggestions for how to help heal and move forward.